Thursday, February 3, 2011


My friends and inside YVR.  Left for Quebec yesterday. Long flight and we had to transfer at Toronto.
Believe it or not, Pearson Airport  is very nice and similar to YVR.  Three hour difference is taking its toll on us. Curse you jet lag! Most of us found it impossible to sleep on the flight since there was so much turbulence.  Plus we took Air Canada so we got to watch movies for 5 hours straight.  I watched Date Night and an Episode of The Big Bang Theory.  I should probably have been studying for my Chemistry Test, but I like to procrastinate.

 On the plus side, we got pretzels on the flight.  Everyone knows that pretzels are the greatest snack you can get on a plane.

We went to the Musee du Fort to cap off the night where we had an interactive quiz on the military history of Quebec.  It was 8pm, or around 11 pm in BC.  We took our seats and were presented with a detailed diorama of the plains of Abraham.  The lights were dimmed and the temptation to sleep was too much for all of us tourists.  Weary from our long journey, most of us got some nice shut eye during the presentation.  Turns out I failed the quiz at the end.  For me The Musee du Fort will be forever remembered as a place of solace and of rest.

1 comment:

  1. Great friendships and a great trip! Well written and I found it interesting to read about your trip.
