Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ice Sculpture

An ice sculpture in Quebec. If you look closely, you'll notice the bottles are Smirnoff.  Plenty more of these on the street, almost one outside every restaurant.  I suppose it's a good marketing tool.  If I remember correctly, this one is outside of a bar close to the Citadelle.

Its beauty is deceiving
Good day so far, but still pretty tired from jet lag.  We also had poutine today which was pretty tasty.  If you somehow don't know what poutine is, then I deem you unpatriotic.  Every good Canadian should know the beauty that is poutine.  The concept of french fries drenched in gravy and cheese curds will make any grown man cry.  It tastes really good for the first couple of bites, but then it gets less and less tasty.  It's a good idea in theory, but in reality it doesn't quite work out that way.  Kind of like communism, a good idea in theory, but history proves communism to be quite a horrid concept.

1 comment:

  1. The ice sculpture thing is pretty cool- it shows all the different types of culture that they have there in Quebec, and the Smirnoff part was funny too! I like the connection you made from poutine to communism, haha although I suppose that it depends on the individual to make up a decision whether or not they like the taste of gravy-drowned french fries.
