Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow sculptures

Looks like the tables have turned.  Runaway grooms are the new in thing

Two of my favorite snow sculptures at Carnaval. I think most couples can relate to the first sculpture. I guess everyone feels trapped with commitment every now and then.

The other snow sculpture is a little bit odd.  Kind of looks like a cannibal apple proud of eating another one of its kind.  I thought only Gene Simmons could stick his tongue that far.  I will never look at apples again in the same way. 

You see people around the Carnaval carving out ice sculptures everywhere. They have this ice sculpture contest with people from around the world (Korea, France and the US specifically). I have no idea how they do it.  Kind of sad when you think that all of their hard work eventually melts away.


  1. I agree when you say that it is sad in the fact that these pieces of art can't stay forever, but that's just another part of their art

  2. I wonder how they got the snow to stick together so well without it falling apart
