Thursday, February 10, 2011

Last Day

Last day at the hotel. Oh how I'll
miss these beds.  Twas a very large
room but only with one sofa bed
and one queen.  We had to alternate
days where one of us would sleep alone
on the sofa bed and two of us would
sleep in the queen.  The original thought
of sleeping in the same bed with another
guy was very unappealing.  But we
improvised and made a pillow wall
between the two of us and it was all

Also, we weren't given a kettle, so
we warmed up water with the microwave.
It proved somewhat difficult when we
made cup of noodles.  Good times


  1. Funny picture of Nick, lol.
    You sure miss those beds if you had to blog about it.

  2. Microwaving the water sounds fun! I tried that once and I ended up having it boil over.... Sucks that you had to leave, but at least it was a fun trip :)
